Easter Fruit Salad



Happy Easter everyone! Whether or not you’re celebrating the holiday, it’s a beautiful day for brunch with friends and family! This delicious fruit salad recipe is super healthy and yummy for any meal – I could eat it all day long!

Just combine these ingredients into a bowl, toss, and serve!

-1/2 cantaloupe, balled
-10 strawberries, chopped
-20 grapes, whole
-1 cup spinach
-1/2 cup kale
-1/4 cup crumbled feta

No need for dressing, the fruit is sweet enough! If you’re really craving something extra, try drizzling some honey or agave nectar mixed with coconut oil. For a tangy approach, squeeze some lemon & grapefruit juice on top of your salad.

What did you have for Easter brunch? Share your photos and recipes with us by commenting below!